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Show Up for Our Heroes: A PTS Awareness Project

When doing your job means that you show up to assist during the worst times in people's lives, we know no one is able to escape without some kind of mental or physical response. We want everyone to realize it's normal to experience post-traumatic stress and there is a risk of psychological injury after attending or witnessing traumatic incidents.

The Show Up for Our Heroes project aims to create awareness for the public and to let first responders working in these high stress fields know that their experience is normal. Even with excellent training, knowledge and skills, such a response can be expected at some point over the span of a career. We want to offer hope that recovery is possible and raise awareness of organizations delivering support and services to the people on the front lines across Canada.

Behind the Project

The song I'm No Hero was written by Maureen Pollard, with support from Murray Foster (Moxy Fruvous, Great Big Sea) at the Toronto Songwriting School. Maureen is a social worker, educator and expert in her field with 30 years' experience, and Geordie Heath, a paramedic with 22 years experience, is Co-Founder of Love Your Life to Death and the #IJustShowedUp Movement. The Show Up for Our Heroes project aims to amplify this message in support of First Responders and front-line mental wellness, and to support the recognition of the work of those on the front lines through acknowledgement of a National First Responder Day by the federal government.

I'm No Hero is available to stream or purchase at most places where you find your favourite music. All funds raised by the streaming or purchase of the song I'm No Hero will be donated toward life saving services for the people working on the front lines.

Previous Works by Maureen

One Breathe At A Time

I Hope You Stay

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